Friday 28 August 2009

Violent, and slow... Open Beta client is now downloadable!

Extra.. Extra!
Violent orca!
Actually.. i'm more concerned about the violence over Aion, the product of the new big announced news:
open beta client is now downloadable.

"Following our recent announcement regarding the commencement of Aion's open beta, we have taken steps to ensure a smooth setup and preparation process for all participants. While our Launcher will incrementally update your client, the new and patched Aion open beta client has been distributed to a select few partners around the web to prepare for our open beta test. To get your hands on it, you may visit FilePlanet or download it from GamersHell (available later this week)."

But there's also one bit of news:
You CANT get into the 'open' beta without pre-ordering the game.
Wait, what?
So, it's not open?
No, it's more like a closed beta, is it not?
Everyone's trying to get their hands on it, and apparently people are running as low as 10 kbs.
Fortunately, i'm from the UK, so my times are 'off-peak', compared to the US.
Alot of problems are being posted, mainly from me, but still.
Gameguard problem 114?
Seeing as the very kind people of aion helped me with these problems, i'll also help anyone that posts their questions on this post.

You can get the beta client from the official NCsoft updated, or fileplanet.
I also suggest visiting these links in the countdown... 9 days to go! (NCSoft also said that they are going to release 500 open beta keys to this site to give away, so get there!)


  1. I was running 32/kb...which is still painfully slow. I went over to fileplanet, waited in line for 33 minutes (twice because IE exploded on me, & I was unable to download in Google Chrome...damn you Microhoffa!), then the download rate cycled from 0kb to 209.9kb/sec. I had had enough. I bought a one month subscription to fileplanet, downloaded the 3gig patch file in about an hour. Well worth the $8 fee IMHO. My time is valuable & wasting it waiting on a large download is not an option.

  2. Heh, you sound like a busy woman.
    Fileplanet, is not one of my favorites though, i'd rather just use the official patch, I like to know where my produce is coming from. ;-)
    Although, I heard many people are having success with fileplanet though, hence why I uploaded it!
    Any other horrors stories from anyone else?
